When you plan your next event, stop by or call to speak to one of our event professionals. Our staff is experienced in preparing and presenting food for corporate meetings, family gatherings such as birthdays, Communions & graduations and more elaborate events such as weddings and golden anniversaries.
Whatever your needs, you can be confident that your next affair will be handled with the utmost care.
Everyday our staff is hard at work before the sun comes up to prepare and create the endless amount of fresh foods you can find everyday at Barino’s and some that you can only find on special days.
For instance, every Thursday is Thanksgiving Day with all the trimmings. Tuesday you’ll be sure to find corned beef and cabbage. Saturday’s eggplant rolletini never lasts too long. And lets not forget the big favorite “Fish Friday”, when you can find at least ten different fish items.
Click the link below (if you are ready) to see the many special things you can find at this neighborhood corner store.